Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tuesday 28th October 2008

After breakfast I used the free wifi but two minor problems with my internet connection wasted three hours. Owen sorted one out remotely in about five minutes: as is usually the case it was down to the stupidity of the user (me). The other problem temporarily defeated us and, by the time I had figured out a workaround, the morning had gone. The 60 kilometres passed fairly quickly and, suddenly, I was back at the railway station. Either my motorcycling had improved or possibly my attitude to sudden death had changed because the Marrakech traffic seemed like quite good fun. I got caught in a sudden storm and sheltered in McDonalds (the shame of it) – but as I was sheltering under their roof it would have been churlish not to have a ‘Maxi Best of add as many inappropriate English words as you want’. I was just about to find a hotel when a small patch of blue sky tempted me on. Another 60 kilometres and I was cold, wet, tired and thoroughly fed up and I’d had enough with these rainstorms. I’d tried Ireland and it was cold and wet, I’d tried France and it was cold and wet and I’d tried Africa and it was cold and wet. Just exactly who had got the global warming? It certainly wasn’t this globe. Next year I’m taking the bike to Mars.
I was now stuck in a small sad town that had been bypassed by the motorway. Of course I wasn’t on the motorway; I was far too macho for that. The one remaining hotel in the small sad town was indescribably bad. Never inspect your hotel room when you are worn out and your glasses are misted up. I may have spent the previous night in my sleeping bag but tonight I was going to be in my full armoured bike gear with all the vents closed. I’m not sure whether I was more concerned about what might be roaming the corridors or what undoubtedly was still roaming the bed. I seriously considered wearing my helmet.I’ve just remembered what my room reminded me of. You’ve seen the film ‘Saw’? You’ve got it.

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